Wednesday, August 10, 2005
September's First Friday Artist
Visual Artist Najjar Abdul-Musawwir received his education in the School of Art and Design at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL. He uses his Islamic belief and abstract painting to develop his artwork from his African-American experience. As an assistant professor of art Najjar “has exhibited regionally, nationally, and internationally.” According to Najjar, “His paintings must reflect spiritual pleasure, energy and vision through the use of color and line movement.” His philosophy: “Inspiration from Allah (Al = One and lah = God) must be in the soul to produce Islamic art in any human experience.” Najjar has provided art and/or consultant services, lectures and workshops to public and private institutions. He has spoken at colleges and universities in the United States on topics of Islamic, African, and African-American art. He has worked with regional, national, and international Muslim artists. Some of his works: “Free- Dom Series,” “Garment Series,” “Ghanaian Stool Series”, “Islamic Love Letters,” and “Fatiha and Door of Return.”